Sunday, August 6, 2017

sharing the work

After researching so hard to find names, the tendency is to want to keep them to yourself.  But there comes a point when you can't keep up with the temple work for the many names you have found.  You need help.  What can you do?

In the old days, you could print out ordinance cards and mail them to relatives or hand them to ward members on ward temple night.
Today they've made it even easier.

You can email ordinances to family and friends from your computer. (share a name)  All ordinances for that person will be e-mailed to your friend, but you can attach a note (for example, please complete the initiatory and send the name back to me.)  A little letter symbol will appear next to the name and your friend has 2 weeks to claim them or the name comes back to your list under temple: all names reserved.
You can share with the temple system (and see when ordinances are completed.)  These ordinances will be marked in red.  If you later have time and means to do the work yourself, you can unreserve the name from the temple list under the share tab (unshare with temple).
You can still print out cards and put them in the stake family file.  You can print out a complete card with all ordinances that need done or select specific ordinances for temple patrons to do. (Credenzas are found in the men's dressing room hallway in the temple.)  Pull out drawers are organized by stake and then by ordinances needing done.  Completed cards are put in the back awaiting pick up.

You can print out just the ordinances you want to share or the whole card.

You can look for or create opportunities:
1. send your names with the youth on a ward baptism for the dead trip
2. take your kids during family time at the baptistry
3. have your child and their date do names for you at the temple
4. find family members or friends with nitches and share your names with them.  For example, my kids do baptisms, my mom does initiatory, Dennis does male endowments, my nephew does sealings, etc.

Note: If anyone in the ward needs baptisms done, my kids are looking for names to do and would be happy to do yours!  Practice your sharing skills by sending some to me.  I will give you my email address.

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