Sunday, July 15, 2018

photo find

Mark Haines shared the following story with me as I was teaching him how to attach photos to memories:
Mark used to be a professional photographer.  His grandfather was too.  After his grandpa died, they were cleaning out his building.  There were lots of photography magazines and the like that Mark started throwing into the trash.  But there were so many, that he decided it would be easier to just dump everything onto a large tarp and then haul it out to the dumpster.
Mark starting throwing stuff onto the tarp when he came across a parcel wrapped in brown parchment paper tied up with a string.  "If no one has needed this in 30 years," he reckoned, "we don't need it now."  And so he tossed the package into the pile.  He continued to discard items when an impression came to him, "If someone went to all the time and effort to put that package together, don't you think you should at least look inside it?"  Mark searched for the package and pulled it out of the discard pile.  Then carefully opening it he discovered the contents: photos of his grandparents and great-grandparents, aunts and uncles - most of which were labeled and preserved in this package.
He shed a tear as he recounted the tale.  He knew the Spirit had been prompting him to retrieve a valuable keepsake in his family legacy.  He still has many of those photos to this very day.

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