Sunday, April 29, 2018

family history class invitation

Jess Stoker sent out an email to the Relief Society sisters to get us in the “family history” mood.  At the bottom she included a quote from David B Haight.
“Why do you do this?” some ask … “Why have such great concern for those who have died?” 
Our answer is simple, yet profound: “Because we love them.”
Doing family history and temple work not only increases our love and appreciation for deceased ancestors, but it builds ties and strengthens relationships with living relatives.  We not only honor our past, but we are preserving the present for future generations who follow us.
So where do you start?
Family history is no longer little old ladies with white hair peering into a microfilm reader searching for clues.  Today, people may find themselves involved with:
Indexing – making records searchable by computer
Stories – recording valuable lessons you’ve learned in life
Preserving photos and documents – using technology to digitize, save and share images
Research – how to find names to fill out our family tree
Taking family names to the temple – which takes temple attendance to a whole new level
And then Sharing what you’ve learned with others
President Nelson said, “I invite you prayerfully to consider what kind of sacrifice, and preferably a sacrifice of time, you can make to do more family history and temple work this year.”
Next week we will be starting up our temple and family history class during Sunday School.  We have an entire team of capable instructors who have been called to assist you in whatever aspect of family history work interests you the most.  We share inspirational messages and give you hands-on experience in learning how to do what needs to be done.  Technology is constantly evolving making this work easier than ever, so we invite you to bring your laptops, tablets and cell phones to class.  If schedule conflicts on Sunday don’t allow you to join us during Sunday School, just contact myself, Patty Browning, Diane or Keith Linford, Hannah or Bryan Montague.  We will come to your home and get you started or help you along your way.
While no-one arrives at having all their family history done, it is an exciting adventure filled with discovery and making new connections.  We look forward to joining you on your journey as you find, connect and belong.  
We'll be starting with stories. So if you'd like to see a video of how David met Linnea at a crosswalk, stop in the priesthood room during Sunday school hour next week ... see you then!

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